WWE Raw Results (8/14/23)

WWE RAW Results
WWE RAW Results
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WWE Raw Results Results
August 14, 2023
Report by Lovell Porter for Wrestlezone.com

In-Ring Segment: The Judgement Day (Rhea Ripley, Dominik Mysterio, and Damian Priest)

Ripley admits things haven’t been going well for The Judgement. Priest notes that everything goes back to normal tonight. Priest says Finn Bálor is going to handle business against Cody Rhodes tonight. Speaking of Bálor, Priest wonders out loud why Bálor isn’t in the ring with them right now. JD McDonagh interrupts. Priest tells him he better be careful what he says while he’s out here. McDonagh says he is here to deliver a message from Bálor. McDonagh starts barking orders. Ripley reminds him they don’t take orders from anyone. Dominik tries to speak and gets completely drowned out by boos. It’s never been this loud.

Dominik says he just found out Canada was part of North America, so he’s the champion of this dump (they are in Winnipeg tonight). McDonagh says he meant no harm. McDonagh starts to leave. Ripley tells McDonagh they have a message for him to give to Bálor. The message is they need to talk. Sami Zayn’s music hits. Zayn runs down the ramp. McDonagh meets him in the aisle, and they brawl. McDonagh sends Zayn into the ring post, arm first. Zayn’s arm is heavily bandaged. The Judgement Day, watch from the ring and don’t get involved.

Sami Zayn vs. JD McDonagh

Zayn lands a few strikes. Zayn monkey flips McDonagh clear across the ring. McDonagh immediately goes after Zayn’s injured elbow. McDonagh slams Zayn’s arm against the top rope. Zayn screams in pain. McDonagh rips off Zayn’s protective elbow pad and snaps his arm back. Zayn manages to send McDonagh over the top rope. Clothesline by Zayn. McDonagh slams Zayn’s elbow on the barricade. Zayn braces himself against the commentary desk. McDonagh leaps off the barricade and drops a knee on Zayn’s arm. After the break, Zayn dives off the top into a dropkick from McDonagh. Zayn kicks out. Zayn springboard over McDonagh and lands a lariat. Michinoku Driver by Zayn.

McDonagh kicks out. Zayn hits the ropes and runs right into a Spanish Fly by McDonagh. Zayn kicks out. McDonagh immediately transitions into a crossface. Zayn gets to the ropes. Exploder suplex into the corner by Zayn. Finn Bálor walks down to the ring and acts like he’s going to roll in. He doesn’t. McDonagh rolls him up. Zayn kicks out. Headbutt by McDonagh. McDonagh goes up top for a moonsault. Zayn gets his boots up, kicking McDonagh in the face. Bálor tries to hope on the apron, but Zayn knocks him off. Helluva Kick by Zayn. Zayn pins McDonagh.

Winner- Sami Zayn

Check Out Last Week’s Coverage: WWE Raw Results (8/7/22)

Gunther and the rest of IMPERIUM walk to the ring. Gunther stands on the commentary desk. Kaiser and Vinci stand next to the desk as Gunther runs down Winnipeg. He’s here to talk about his next opponent, Chad Gable. Gunther says he was impressed by Gable’s performance last week. He actually puts Gable over before noting he’s done more than Gable has in his career in less than a year. Alpha Academy interrupts. Gable shooshes Gunther. He reminds Gunther he beat him at his own game two weeks ago.

Check Out Last Week’s Coverage: WWE Raw Results (8/7/22)

Now Gunther is on the clock. If he wants to become the longest-reigning Intercontinental Champion of all time, he has to go through Gable. He’s been working towards this for ten years. He’s coming to take the IC Championship. Gable tells his opponent, Vinci, to get in the ring so he can get a free lesson from Master Gable tonight. Vinci and Kaiser both get in the ring. Kaiser promises Vinci will embarrass Gable tonight, just like he did Otis last week.

Kaiser tells Maxxine that she needs to surround herself with some European excellence. Alpha Academy is a sinking ship, but Kaiser is here, reaching out his hand to her. She can either take his hand so he can save her, or she can let that 360-pound ancho drag her to the bottom of the ocean. If not, she will be an embarrassment like the rest. Maxxine smacks Kaiser. Gable steps in front of Maxxine when Kaiser bows up at her.

Chad Gable w/ Otis and Maxxine Dupri vs. Giovanni Vinci w/Gunther and Ludwig Kaiser

Gable and Vinci trade submission attempts. Back suplex by Vinci. Gable kicks out. Vinci works over Gable. Gable fires up and lands a vicious German suplex. Vinci avoids Gable’s moonsault and lands one of his own. Gable counters a powerbomb and hits the Chaos Theory for the win.

Winner- Chad Gable

After the match, Gunther goes nuts and challenges Otis to a match right now.

Gunther w/Giovanni Vinci and Ludwig Kaiser vs. Otis w/Chad Gable and Maxxine Dupri

Otis fires up but runs into a big boot by Gunther. Gunther works over Otis. Otis fires back with a few chops. Gunther floors Otis after one chop. Gunther continues his assault. Otis lands a suplex. Otis tries the caterpillar. Gunther counters with a dropkick. Gunther powerbomb Otis for the win.

Winner- Gunther

After the match, Gable hits the ring, and German suplexes Gunther.

Earlier today, Matt Riddle told Drew McIntyre that he accepted an open challenge made by the Viking Raiders. Riddle want’s McIntyre to be his tag partner. McIntyre tells Riddle he’ll consider it if he can’t find another partner tonight.

Matt Riddle comes to the ring, followed by The Viking Raiders and Valhalla. We still don’t know who Riddle will be teaming with.

Matt Riddle and Drew McIntyre vs. The Viking Raiders w/ Valhalla

The Viking Raiders work over Riddle. Riddle fires up and lands a flurry of strikes on Erik. Riddle suplexes Erik. Erik tags in IVar. Riddle knocks Ivar off the apron. Riddle tries a PK, but Erik blocks it and rips him off the apron. Erik and Ivar send Riddle into the barricade. After the break, Riddle finally tags in McIntyre. McIntyre clears the ring. Both team trade big moves and the advantage. McIntyre surprises Erik with the Claymore for the win.

Winners- Matt Riddle and Drew McIntyre

Indi Hartwell w/Candice LeRae vs. WWE Women’s World Champion Rhea Ripley w/Dominik Mysterio

Ripley runs over Hartwell. Ripley misses a spear in the corner. Hartwell fires back with right and lefts. Spinebuster by Hartwell. Ripley kicks out. Hartwell knocks Ripley out of the ring. Ripley sends Hartwell into the post. Ripley picks up Hartwell and drives her into the post again. LeRae walks up to Ripley. Ripley tells LeRae to suck it. Ripley attacks LeRae. Hartwell rolls up Ripley for a two count. Headbutt by Ripley. Ripley hits Riptide for the win.

Winner- Rhea Ripley

After the match, LeRae attacks Ripley. Ripley fires back. Hartwell joins in. Hartwell trips Ripley. LeRae lands a senton to Ripley’s back. Ripley rolls out of the ring.

WWE Raw Results Continue on the Next Page!

In-Ring Segment: Shinsuke Nakamura

Nakamura is in the ring with Michael Cole. Cole asks Nakamura why he attacked Rollins last week. Nakamura answers in Japanese. Nakamura adds in English that he wants the World Title. Cole asks if Nakamura needed to kick Rollins in the head. Nakamura answers in Japanese again. Rollins interrupts. Rollins tells Cole he will take it from here. He welcomes the crowd to Monday Night Rollins. The crowd sings Rollins’ song. Rollins tells Nakamura that he played it to perfection. He set Rollins up and knocked him out. All for the World Heavyweight Championship. That seems too obvious to Rollins. Rollins says Nakamura isn’t being honest. He isn’t hard to find. He’s in the ring every week with the entire world singing his song. He’s a fighting champion. He HAD the utmost respect for Nakamura until last week.

All he had to do was ask for a shot. Rollins would have granted it. Everyone is asking why Nakamura did it, but Rollins is less concerned with the why and more concerned with how he gets even. Rollins tells Nakamura he wins. To get what he wants, he’ll give Nakamura what he wants. If the attack last week was a challenge, challenge accepted. Rollins tells Nakamura to grow a set, shake his hands, and get the hell out of his ring so that Winnipeg can sing his song. Rollins and Nakamura shake. Nakamura pulls Rollins in close and whispers something to him. Whatever he said, Rollins is shaken by it. Rollins turns around and eats a Kinshasa.

Trish Stratus vs. Becky Lynch (Zoey Stark is Banned From Ringside)

Stratus is still wearing her protective face mask. Lynch drives Stratus into the corner. Lynch drives her shoulder into Stratus’ gut over and over again. Stratus lands a flurry of strikes. Lynch blocks and tries the Manhandle Slam. Stratus avoids it and tries the Chick Kick. Lynch ducks and lands an exploder. Lynch sends Stratus out of the ring. Stratus gets to her feet. Lynch lands an elbow off the apron. Stratus runs around the ring. Lynch follows.

Stratus surprises Lynch with a clothesline. Stratus’ mask comes off, which causes an awkward pause in the action. Lynch goes up top. Stratus tries the Stratusphere, but she slips. Stratus quickly recovers and lays in a few strikes before trying it again. Lynch is unable to block Stratus’ second Stratusphere. Stratus tries to hit Lynch with the mask. Lynch blocks it. Stratus floors Lynch with a right hand. After the break, Lynch lands a superplex. The fight spills into the crowd. Both women are counted out.

No Contest

After the match, Lynch and Stratus fight up the stairs into the concourse area by the food stands. Lynch tosses Stratus into a wall. Lynch sends Stratus headfirst into a bar. Stratus goes behind the bar and tosses a bunch of merch at Lynch. Lynch slams Stratus’ head into the bar before pulling her on top of it. Lynch sets up the Manhandle Slam. Zoey Stark appears and pulls Lynch off the par. While Lynch is distracted, Stratus lands the Chick Kick. Lynch is out.

Cody Rhodes vs. Finn Bálor

Bálor works over Rhodes’ arm. Rhodes lands a delayed verticle gourd buster. After a series of reversals, Rhodes lands a Russian leg sweep. Rhodes lays in a few strikes. Rhodes rolls Bálor into a sunset flip. Bálor rolls through and lands a dropkick. Rhodes and Bálor trade chops. Bálor works over Rhodes. Rhodes tries to fire up. Dominik and Ripley run down to ringside. Rhodes tries to suplex Dominik, but Bálor surprises him with a baseball slide. After the break, Rhodes fires up. Power slam by Rhodes. Disaster Kick by Rhodes. Bálor kicks out.

Damian Priest walks down to the ring. Bálor reverses Crossroads. Rhodes counters that with an uppercut. Slingblade by Bálor. Rhodes catches Bálor in the face. Bálor blocks the Cody Cutter and lands the final cut. Woo dropkick by Bálor. Bálor goes up top. Rhodes avoids the double stomp. Bálor reverses Crossroads into a small package. Rhodes kicks out and hits the Cody Cutter. Bálor rolls out of the ring. Rhodes sets up a dive. Priest grabs Rhodes’ leg.

Check Out Last Week’s Coverage: WWE Raw Results (8/7/22)

Bálor tries a sneak attack. Rhodes ends Bálor into Priest and lands a dive. Ripley distracts the referee while Rhodes goes up top. Dominik crotches Rhodes on the top. Bálor takes Rhodes off the top with a superplex. Rhodes kicks out. Dominik sends a steel chair into the ring. The referee catches it and tries to toss it out of the ring. Ripley gets on the apron and gets in the referee’s face. Priest tries to slide Bálor the MITB briefcase. It goes through Bálor’s legs right to Rhodes. Rhodes hits Bálor with it. Crossroads by Rhodes for the win.

Winner- Cody Rhodes

After the match, The Judgement Day attacks Rhodes. Sami Zayn hits the ring with a chair. JD McDonagh appears and saves Priest from a chair shot. The Judgement Day and McDonagh lay waste to Zayn and Rhodes. Rhodes eats South of Heaven, followed by a Coup de Gras. Zayn gets tossed out of the ring. Bálor leaps off the ring steps and lands a double stomp. Priest sends Zayn through the commentary desk with a Razor’s Edge. Bálor returns to the ring and hits another Coup de Gras on Rhodes.

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