WWE NXT Results (7/11/23)

WWE NXT Results
WWE NXT Results
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WWE NXT Results Results
July 11, 2023
Report by Lovell Porter for Wrestlezone.com

In-Ring Segment: The Judgement Day

Bálor lets the NXT Universe know that Daddy is home. He built This house, and he’s here to lay down some house rules. Dominik gets booed out of the building. Priest calls out NXT Champion Carmelo Hayes and Trick Williams. Dominik tries to speak and, this will shock you, he gets drowned out by boos. Hayes and Williams interrupt. Ripley goes off because they interrupted Dominik. Hayes asks if they call him “Dirty Dom” because of all the times he dropped the soap. Hayes prases Bálor for being a legend in NXT, but this is his house now. Bálor got the better of him on Raw, but this is his arena.

Ripley says this isn’t even about them. Priest says Hayes may run things now, but that’s only because he doesn’t have The Judgement Day staring back at him every Tuesday night. Williams tells Priest his mouth is writing a check that his ass can’t cash. Priest goes nuts. Williams says they are here to see if The Judgement Day is really bout it. Hayes is about to challenge The Judgement Day to a match, but Bálor butts in and tells Hayes if he comes at the prince, he best not miss. Hayes says let’s do this then.

During an interview with McKenzie, Tony D’Angelo says he isn’t sure about Stacks, but he has to put his faith in him.

Chase U w/Thea Hail vs. Charlie Dempsey and Drew Gulak

Andre Chase and Duke Hudson attack Dempsey and Gulak while they are walking up the ramp. The fight spills into the ring. The referee rings the bell. Chase sends Dempsey flying with a monkey flip. Hudson and Chase double-team Dempsey, landing duel axehandles. Gulak gets a cheap shot while Hudson is distracted. Hudson surprises Gulak with a rana. Gulak sends Hudson into the corner. Hudson is out of it. Gulak runs right into sit-down by Hudson. Gulak kicks out.

Hudson goes up top. Gulak cuts him off. Hudson powerslams Gulak off the second rope. Hudson hurts his wrist in the process. Chase tags in and tries a cover. Gulak kicks out. Hudson and Chase land stereo Chase U punches, sending Gulak and Dempsey flying out of the ring. After the break, Dempsey is working over Hudson. Hudson manages to tag in Chase. Chase clears the ring. Chase flattens Dempsey with the Chase U stomps.

Check Out Last Week’s Coverage: WWE NXT Results (7/4/23)

Crossbody by Chase. Gulak breaks up the count. Gulak lands a German suplex and rolls Chase toward Dempsey, who lands a German suplex hold. Chase kicks out. While the referee is distracted, Hail dives off the ringsteps and locks Gulak in a kimura. Back in the ring, Hudson and Chase hit the Fratliner for the win.

Winners- Chase U

Kelani Jordan w/Dana Brook vs. Cora Jade

Jordan and Jade lock up. Jade takes Jordan down. Jade works a side headlock. Jordan sends Jade into the ropes and does a split to avoid a clothesline. Ring around the Rosie arm dra bu Jordan. Jade gets to her feet and immediately eats a dropkick. Jordan tries another dropkick.

Jade catches Jordan’s legs and slingshots her into the bottom rope. Slingshot double stomp by Jade. Jordan kicks out. Jade works over Jordan. Jordan fires up. Overhead kick by Jordan. Jordan sets up the Play of the day. Jade escapes. Jordan tries a springboard, but Jade kicks the middle rope. Jordan takes a nasty spill. Jade hits her DDT for the win.

Winner- Cora Jade

Check Out Last Week’s Coverage: WWE NXT Results (7/4/23)

After the match, Jade grabs her kendo stick. Jordan avoids Jade’s attack. Brooke rolls in the ring and dropkicks Jade. Brook grabs the kendo stick and chases Jade off.

Backstage, Dijack gets upset after overhearing the locker room give Eddy Thorpe praise after his NXT Underground match.

WWE NXT Results Continue on the Next Page!

Number One Contender’s Match: Bron Breakker vs. Ilja Dragunov

As soon as the bell rings, Dragunov charges in with a big boot. Breakker shrugs it off and drives Dragunov into the corner. Breakker and Dragunov trade strikes. Dragunov leaps in the air into a spinebuster from Breakker. Breakker ducks the Constantine special and hits a water wheel drop. Dragunov lands a few strikes. King Kong knee drop by Dragunov. Dragunov sets up a suplex. Breakker stuffs it. Dragunov clocks Breakker in the face. Breakker goes nuts and double-legs Dragunov. Breakker unleashes a ground-and-pound assault on Dragunov.

Dragunov gets to his feet. Breakker suplexes Dragunov over the top rope, but Dragunov holds on. Both men crash out on the floor. After the break, Dragunov and Breakker are trading big shots. Dragunov floors Breakker with an elbow strike. German suplex by Dragunov. Dragunov holds on and lands another. He holds his grip for a third, but Breakker elbows his way out of it and hits a German suplex of his own. Dragunov stumbles to his feet and immediately lands a third German suplex.

Check Out Last Week’s Coverage: WWE NXT Results (7/4/23)

Dragunov tries the knockout shot. Breakker gets his knees up. Dragunov stumbles to his feet. Breakker lands the Steiner Bulldog. Breakker calls for his press slam. Dragunov breaks it up and hits a DVD into the corner. Breakker lands on his head. Dragunov goes coast-to-coast with a dropkick. Torpedo Moskau by Dragunov. Breakker kicks out! Dragunov goes up top. Breakker Spears Dragunov out of the air. Dragunov kicks out!

Breakker slams Dragunov’s head into the mat over and over again. Dragunov reverses the Breakker Slam into a DDT. Dragunov hits a struggle powerbomb into a pin. Breakker kicks out. Knock out blow by Dragunov. Kick out by Breakker. Breakker floors Dragunov with a lariat. Breakker tries another Spear. Dragunov counters with a high knee. Dragunov hits a basement Torpedo Moskau to the back of Breakker’s head for the win!

Winner- Ilja Dragunov

NXT Women’s Champion Tiffany Stratton vs. Ivy Nile

Stratton grabs a side headlock. Nile sends Stratton into the ropes. Shoulder block by Stratton. The Chase U section of the audience chants, “You tapped out!” to Stratton. Nile sends Stratton flying with a rana. Nile rolls Stratton up for a near fall. Stratton kicks Nile in the face after she telegraphs a back body drop. Nile rolls Stratton into a modified ankle lock. Stratton counters with a headlock. Stratton flips to avoid a charging Nile. Nile floors Stratton with a clothesline.

Stratton back body drops Nile out to the apron. Stratton sends Nile flying off the apron with a hip attack. Nile avoids a cartwheel elbow by Stratton. Nile fires up and lands a flurry of offense. Stratton narrowly avoids the Creed Combo by Nile. Stratton picks Nile up on her shoulder. Nile escapes and traps Stratton in the Dragon Tamer. Stratton trips Nile into the turnbuckle. Rolling fireman’s carry by Stratton. Stratton hits the Prettiest Moonsault ever for the win.

Winner- Tiffany Stratton

After the match, the crowd continues their “you tapped out” chant. Stratton yells she never tapped out and that she beat Thea Hail.

Backstage, Blair Davenport promises to leave Roxanne Perez on the shelf if she steps up again. Just like she did to Nikkita Lyons, Wendy Choo, and Sol Ruca.

Joe Coffey w/Gallus vs. Channing “Stacks” Lorenzo (If Stacks wins, The D’Angelo Family gets a tag team title shot. If Stacks loses, D’Angelo has to go to trial)

Coffey and Stacks trade headlocks. Neither man can get an advantage. Coffey tells Stacks it’s time. Stacks nods. Stacks stands up and takes Coffey’s finish. Surprisingly, Stacks kicks out. Coffey yells at Stacks that they had a deal. Stacks says he ain’t no snitch. After the break, D’Angelo calls in and cheers Stacks on. Bronco Nima and Lucien Price walk down the ramp to watch the match. Back in the ring, Coffey slaps Stacks while screaming about them having a deal.

Stacks fires up and lands a bunch of strikes. Stacks pulls a crowbar that was hidden in the apron. While the referee is distracted, Stacks hits Coffey with the crowbar. Wolfgang gets in the ring. Stacks tosses the crowbar at Wolfgang, and he catches it. The referee ejects Wolfgang from the ringside area. Stacks crushes Coffey with a knee to the back of the head for the win.

Winner- Stacks

Backstage, Los Lotharios hit on Valentina Feroz and Yulisa Leon. Leon and Feroz are not impressed. Dragon Lee and Nathan Frazer walk in and ask if everything is ok. Garza and Carrillo walk away.

Carmelo Hayes and Trick Williams vs. The Judgement Day w/Rhea Ripley and Dominik Mysterio

Priest blasts Williams with an elbow to the head. Bálor tags in and continues the assault. Williams manages to tag in Hayes. Williams and Hayes clear the ring. After the break, Bálor and Priest are working over Hayes. Priest lands a stage dive. Bálor tags back in and stomps Hayes. Bálor puts Hayes in a backbreaker. Priest leaps in the air and leg drops Hayes off Bálor’s knee. Hayes manages to tag in Priest. Williams unloads with rights and lefts. Dropkick by Williams. Modified neck breaker by Williams. Priest and Williams both land big moves. Both men are down. Williams tags in Priest, while Priest tags in Bálor.

Hayes gets a near fall on Bálor after a crescent kick. Bálor avoids a springboard and lands the sling blade. Woo dropkick by Bálor. Bálor goes up top. Hayes avoids the double stomp. Springboard elbow by Hayes. Priest knocks Williams off the apron. Hayes lands a wheelbarrow stunner. Priest responds with a headlock driver. Williams breaks up the pin. Priest pulls Williams out of the ring and hits a Razor’s Edge on the commentary desk. Hayes surprises Priest with the first 48. Hayes sets up his finish.

Check Out Last Week’s Coverage: WWE NXT Results (7/4/23)

Dominik tries to bring a chair into the ring. In the confusion, Ripley tosses Priest the MITB briefcase. As Priest gears up to hit Hayes, Ilja Dragunov runs down to ringside and rips the briefcase out of Priest hands. Hayes tries to attack Priest, but he sidesteps. Hayes ends up knocking Dragunov off the apron. Priest hits Hayes with South of Heaven. Bálor follows that with the Coup de Grace for the win.

Winners- The Judgement Day

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