WWE NXT Results (2/28/23)

WWE NXT Results
WWE NXT Results
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WWE NXT Results
February 28, 2023
Report by Lovell Porter for Wrestlezone.com

The show kicks off with most of the locker room brawling. Wes Lee is in the ring, waiting for whoever makes it to the ring for his North American Championship Open Challenge. Edris Enofé and Malik Blade make it out on the stage and argue about who will accept the challenge. Daba-Kato runs both men over and makes his way to the ring. Apollo Crews jumps out of the crowd and attacks Kato. Nathan Frazer leaps over both men into the ring.

North American Championship Match: Wes Lee (c) vs. Nathan Frazer

Neither man can get an advantage early on. The match leads to a stalemate after both attempt a dropkick at the same time. After another series of counters, Lee sends Frazer out to the apron. Frazer sends Lee over the top. Frazer tries a triangle moonsault. Lee moves out of the way. Frazer lands on his feet. Lee tries a tope. Frazer moves out of the way. Lee does a front roll and bounces up to his feet. Frazer tries a suicide dive, but Lee meets him with a kick to the face before he can sail through the ropes. After the break, Frazer catches Lee with a superkick.

Check out last week’s coverage: WWE NXT Results (2/21/23)

Frazer tries a phoenix splash, but Lee moves out of the way. Frazer lands on his feet. After another series of reversals, Lee and Frazer try simultaneous crossbody blocks. Both men are down. Frazer surprises Lee with a backflip DDT. Lee kicks out. Frazer sits Lee on the top rope. Lee pushes Frazer off the top. Frazer does a backflip and lands on his feet. Frazer hops back up top and hits a superplex into a spinning neck breaker for a near fall. Lee is sent flying off the apron by Frazer. Frazer tries a dive, but Lee moves. Frazer slams his head into the announce desk. Lee lands a dive and tosses Frazer back into the ring. Lee hits the Kardiac Kick for the win.

Winner and STILL NXT North American Champion, Wes Lee!

Check out last week’s coverage: WWE NXT Results (2/21/23)

Backstage, Hank Walker babbles about wanting to get his hands on Drew Gulak. Axiom walks in and yells at Walker for getting in his way during the brawl at the show’s start. Axiom says Walker wouldn’t have beaten Lee, so he shouldn’t have been there. The two get into a shoving match and are separated by referees.

Briggs and Jensen vs. Indus Sher w/Jinder Mahal

Veer and Sanga make quick work of Briggs and Jensen. Sanga chokeslams Jensen before whipping Jensen into Veer’s Million Dollar Arm.

Winners- Indus Sher

After the match, Mahal challenges the Creeds to a match at Road Block.

During the break, Wendy Choo is down in the parking lot. Seems someone attacked her.

Check out last week’s coverage: WWE NXT Results (2/21/23)

In-Ring Segment: Gigi Dolan

Dolan tells them to cut the Toxic Attraction theme because she doesn’t want to hear that awful song again. Dolan says that the last person who treated her the way Jacy Jayne has is her mother. She courageously left her toxic mother and will do the same to Jayne. Dolan will put the final nail in Toxic Attraction’s coffin when she obliterates Jayne.

Meiko Satomura vs. Zoey Stark

Roxanne Perez is at the commentary desk for this match. Stark and Satomura trade headlocks and takedowns. After a test of strength, Satomura sweeps Stark’s legs and lands a leaping knee to Stark’s gut. Stark smacks Satomura. Satomura unloads a flurry of strikes. capped with an axe kick. Stark goes low and lands a basement lariat. After the break, Stark is working over Satomura.

Stark tries a springboard, but Satomura kicks her in the knee in midair. A strike exchange leads to Satomura landing a DDT. Satomura goes up top and hits a frog splash. Stark kicks out. Satomura lands a flurry of kicks. Stark avoids Scorpion Rising. Stark flattens Satomura with a slingshot senton. DVD by Satomura. Scorpion Rising by Satomura. Satomura pins Stark.

Winner- Meiko Satomura

Backstage, The Creeds begrudgingly ask Damon Kemp to be their partner next week. Kemp says hell no and laughs. Brutus has to hold Julius back. Bron Breakker walks in and thanks the Creeds for keeping his match clean last week. He’ll be their partner next week.

Check out last week’s coverage: WWE NXT Results (2/21/23)

Sol Ruca vs. Elektra Lopez w/Valentina Feroz

Lopez and Ruca trade armbars and takedowns. Ruca flips over Lopez but ends up eating a clothesline. Lopez tries an armdrag, but Ruca flips out of it and lands a facebuster. Ruca goes up top. Lopez pushes her off the top. Ruca hits the apron before crashing to the floor. Lopez works over Ruca. Lopez goes the brass knucks she usually has hidden in the turnbuckle. Outside the ring, Feroz holds up the knucks. She stole them. Lopez goes nuts. Ruca surprises Lopez with the Sol Snatcher for the win.

Winner- Sol Ruca

Kitana Chance w/Kayden Carter vs. Tiffany Stratton

Chance tries a ranna, but Stratton says nope and dumps her throat-first on the top rope. Chance fires up and lands a spinning splash. Isla Dawn and Alba Fyre walk to the ring as Chance goes up top. Chance gets distracted. Stratton hits a rolling senton. Moonsault by Stratton for the win.

Winner- Tiffany Stratton

Check out last week’s coverage: WWE NXT Results (2/21/23)

Axiom vs. Hank Walker

Axiom pins Walker after the Golden Ratio.

Winner- Axiom

After the match, Axiom and Walker share a head nod.

Carmelo Hayes w/Trick Williams vs. Tyler Bate

Bate and Hayes lock up, and trade submission attempts Neither man can get an advantage. Bate tries to offer Hayes a handshake. Hayes slaps his hand away. Hayes and Bate trade pin attempts. Bate very nearly holds Hayes down for three on a sunset flip reversal Bate lands a flurry of strikes. Dropkick by Bate. Hayes falls out of the ring. Bate dives over the top and lands on Hayes. After the break, Hayes is working over Bate. Bate fires up and lands a European uppercut off the second rope. Hayes is whipped into the corner.

Bate charges in, but Williams pulls him out of the way. Bate drops Williams with Bop and Bang. Standing Shooting star press by Bate. Hayes kicks out. Bop and Bang to Hayes. Bate turns Hayes inside out with a rebound lariat. Hayes kicks out/ Hayes and Bate trade strikes. Suplex cutter by Hayes Bate kicks out. Hayes goes up top. Bate cuts him off and suplexes him. Bate goes back up top. Williams gets on the apron again. Bate kicks him away. Hayes rolls out of the way as Bate tries a corkscrew press. Lung blower by Hayes. Hayes hits his diving axe kick for the win.

Winner- Carmelo Hayes

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