Women Make More Money Than Men In A New Version Of Monopoly

The Power Of Monopoly

There are few boardgames as easily recognizable as Monopoly. The real estate advancement game makes capitalists of us all and has the power to ruin friendships over the course of many, many hours. Is it fun? Why do we keep playing it? Who knows, but it continues to endure.

A Clunky Way To Approach The Wage Gap

Every once in a while, Hasbro decides to shake things up and release new twists on the classic formula, the latest of which is Ms. Monopoly. Not only are players offered "investment opportunities," but there is one new rule that is sure to ruffle some feathers: when passing Go, female players get $240 and men only get the usual $200.

New Versions For A New Generation

According to a press release, Hasbro explains:

"[Ms. Monopoly is] a fun new take on the game that creates a world where women have an advantage often enjoyed by men. But don't worry, if men play their cards right, they can make more money too."

While taking on the gender wage gap is an admirable goal, something tells me that this will go down about as well as Monopoly Socialism and Monopoly for Millennials.