Woman Self-Diagnoses, Claims She Has A Disorder Causing Sensitivity To Specific Sounds

Woman Self-Diagnoses, Claims She Has A Disorder Causing Sensitivity To Specific Sounds

Ann Marie says she gets instantly angry listening to the noise her fiancé, Jimmy, makes when he eats but has no problem listening to her pet potbelly pigs when they do. “I hear it differently coming from a human than I hear it coming from an animal,” she says.

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Ann Marie has diagnosed herself with Misophonia, a condition which she claims causes her to be extra sensitive, and have a strong negative response, to certain sounds, such as dentures, typing on a keyboard, and people walking in flip-flops.

How does she respond when Dr. Phil suggests her reactions are situation-specific, and that she has more control over them than she thinks?

Check here to find out where you can watch Friday’s episode.

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