Woman Who Says She’s Addicted To Live Streaming Claims A Breakdown On Camera Sent Her To The Hospital

Trisha says she’s been live streaming her daily life to nearly 2,000 followers on her YouTube channel, Truthfully Trisha, for almost a year. Claiming she’s isolated, withdrawn and suffers from bipolar disorder, Trisha says that on Memorial Day, 2017 she had a breakdown while live streaming to her YouTube channel while her husband, Sean, was away.

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“Sean was visiting his family in Atlanta, so I live streamed for over eight hours, straight,” she claims. “There was a moment where I had fake blood on me. It reminded me of the part of me that died when I was raped as a young girl.”

Trisha says what happened online “got twisted out to be something demonic, and it wasn’t.” She says she was admitted to the hospital for six days.

Sean says he declined to have her committed. “Part of her outpatient recovery was to stay offline,” he says claiming, “It lasted about five days.”

Sean says he was supportive when Trisha first started her YouTube channel. Now he says he wants her to stop. Is she ready to give up Truthfully Trisha? Tune in to part one of this two-part Dr. Phil, Friday.

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