Woman Says Meeting Her Father For The First Time Turned Into A Big Disappointment

Woman Says Meeting Her Father For The First Time Turned Into A Big Disappointment

Kaley says she was 17 years old when she found her father on Facebook. She says she was excited to start a relationship with him but that quickly turned to disappointment.

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“It was emotionally draining trying to please my dad all the time,” she claims. “He would threaten me and put me down, and he made me feel horrible about myself. The worse I felt, the better he would feel. I wanted my dad to love me, but he mistreated me at every turn.”

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Kaley, who was born after her father, Dennis, had an affair with her mother shortly before he married his wife of 29 years, says she stopped talking to her father three years ago. “Once I walked away, I saw him for who he truly is: a very insecure and manipulative man,” she says.

In the video above from Wednesday’s episode of Dr. Phil, Kaley confronts her father. How does he respond? Check here to see where you can watch the entire episode.

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