Woman Says Her Mother Has ‘The Most Ridiculous Criteria’ For Choosing A Therapist To Help With Their Relationship

Stefanie says Cheryl won't to go to therapy with her. Dr. Phil observes he doesn’t fit any of Cheryl’s criteria. Is she still willing to hear him out?

Stefanie claims her mother, Cheryl, wants her to dump her boyfriend, Michael. “She literally says I want you to break up and find another man – from the beginning and still, over a year-and-a-half later.”

TELL DR. PHIL YOUR STORY: Conflict destroying your relationship?

“That’s not true,” says Cheryl who has alleged that Michael is an out of work alcoholic who is “using” her daughter.

Michael says he goes to school and works part-time as a teacher’s aide. He admits he’s been to rehab but says his days of abusing alcohol are over.

Stefanie claims her mother is overbearing and tries to control her life. She says she’s tried to get Cheryl to go to therapy with her to work on their issues, but Cheryl won’t go. “My mom has the most ridiculous criteria to make sure that a therapist is credible enough.”

Dr. Phil says he has some ideas on how Cheryl and Stefanie can work to fix their relationship, but when he observes he doesn’t fit any of Cheryl’s very specific criteria, is she still willing to hear him out?

Check here to find out where you can watch Wednesday’s Dr. Phil.

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