Woman Says Fiancé’s Eating Noises Give Her ‘An Immediate Reaction Of Anger’

Woman Says Fiancé’s Eating Noises Give Her ‘An Immediate Reaction Of Anger’

“When the piggies are eating, the sound doesn’t bother me at all,” says Ann Marie of her pet potbellied pigs, Hammy and Bowie. But when her fiancé, Jimmy, eats, “I say, ‘Would you stop eating like a pig?’ And it’s funny because I wish he would eat like a pig.”

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Ann Marie says that the crunching, chewing, jaw cracking noises Jimmy makes when he eats give her “an immediate reaction of anger.”

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“It makes her crazy, and she starts screaming,” Jimmy confirms. The couple got engaged and moved in together this past December, but Jimmy, who recently broke their engagement and asked for the ring back, says, “There’s no way I can live with this.”

When Ann Marie claims she has an undiagnosed underlying neurological disorder that causes her to react negatively to certain sounds, how does Dr. Phil respond?

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Man Calls Off Engagement To Woman Who Says She Can’t Tolerate The Sound Of His Chewing