Woman Recalls How Life Changed After Her Sister Was Abducted At 14

Karen says as a child, she and her sister, actress Jan Broberg, were extremely close, and her older sibling often watched out for her. However, she says that changed when Jan was abducted at 12 and 14 by close family friend Robert Berchtold.

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“One night, Jan walked out the back door and got in his car and disappeared. I felt terribly alone because my sister was missing. My parents were lost in their misery and guilt. I became aware I was not their focus,” says Karen, adding that she felt like the black sheep of the family.

When Berchtold abducted Jan the first time, he took her to Mexico where they were located five weeks later. Two years later, he took Jan to California where she remained for four months. Watch more of her story here.

Karen says that when Jan returned after the first time she was kidnapped, it was one of the most “poignant” moments of her life. But she says things were different after the second abduction. “When she got out of the car, walked in the back door, she didn’t even say a word and she was just a blank shell,” Karen recalls. “I was devastated. My parents enabled her. It impacted Jan as an adult.”

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In the video above, Jan and Karen discuss with Dr. Phil how Jan is still affected to this day by the abductions, and how it has affected the decisions she makes. On Thursday’s episode, Jan describes in detail what she claims happened when Berchtold abducted her. And, hear what happened when Berchtold showed up at a woman’s conference where Jan was the guest speaker. Check here to see where you can watch.

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How Being Abducted Twice As A Young Girl Has Affected Actress Jan Broberg As An Adult