Woman Claims She’s The Victim Of Terrorist Gas Attacks: What Environmental Testing Reveals

Woman Claims She’s The Victim Of Terrorist Gas Attacks: What Environmental Testing Reveals

Cheryl claims she’s being exposed to poisonous gases in her home, and that a global terror network, is behind it. Her daughter, Bryna, says she’s concerned for her mother’s mental health.

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Dr. Phil enlists Mold Inspection Sciences to inspect Cheryl’s home for anything that could be affecting her health. Inspector Bob Weiser says he found highly elevated samples of various mold spores, all of which can be potentially harmful.

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Dr. Al Johnson, a specialist in environmental medicine, joins the conversation. He says lab tests confirm Cheryl has been exposed to “very high levels” of 15 different mycotoxins, due to the mold in her home.

“The good news is you were right. The bad news is, you have the wrong assignment of its origin,” says Dr. Phil. When he refers Cheryl to Creative Care to help her recover, does she accept the offer?

This episode airs Monday. Check here to find out where you can watch.

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