Woman Claims Husband Is Obsessed With Gurus, Aliens And Enlightenment

“My husband, Alex, is obsessed with gurus in his quest to find enlightenment,” Shannon claims. “Alex believes that his karmic energy is complete and that he’s solved all of the mysteries of the universe.”

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She says her husband has been influenced by many, including a blind Bulgarian clairvoyant, Geshe Michael Roach and Pleiadians, who some believe are cosmic extraterrestrials that project messages for humans to follow and live by.

WATCH: Woman Claims Husband Neglects Family, Lost Thousands Of Dollars in Pursuit Of ‘Enlightenment’

“Alex’s beliefs come from what these gurus preach and predict. It’s a 24/7 addiction,” Shannon claims. “Alex often speaks about how around the year 2023 the way that we do things as human beings is going to be done telepathically. Because of that, he’s not even intimate with me.”

Shannon says she’s “extremely exhausted” and her husband’s behavior is taking a toll on their marriage.

WATCH: Man Claims He Has Reached Ultimate Enlightenment And Even Come Face-To-Face With God

In the video above from Friday’s episode of Dr. Phil, watch what happens when Alex says he finally found the answer to why he is on Earth. And on Friday, hear more from Alex and why he says his wife needs to stop being a victim and living in negativity. Check here to see where you can watch.

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Man Says He’s Enlightened, ‘Knows Answers To Life’s Greatest Questions’; Wife Claims He’s ‘More Of A Walking Hypocrite’