Woman calls out husband over his ‘awful’ anniversary surprise: ‘He ruined the night’

A woman who feels her mother-in-law keeps violating her boundaries consulted Reddit’s “Am I the A******” forum. The situation played out during her and her husband’s third wedding anniversary. “My husband told her that we were gonna go out and celebrate … she asked if she could host the anniversary at her house … it was an instant no from me”. However, her husband and his mother wouldn’t exactly drop the suggestion. “I felt uncomfortable, all I wanted was for some time together, alone”. On the day of the anniversary, her husband ambushed her. “We arrived at the restaurant ... I walked through the door and saw his mom, dad, sister and cousin and her kids … my heart dropped”. “I turned around and walked out and back to the car … He begged me to go inside but I refused … I went home in a taxi”. “The audacity of this woman I don’t even have words to describe how awful she is,” one user commented. “Ask yourself if this is how you want to live indefinitely,” someone wrote