Woman’s Breast Implants Fall Out of Open Wounds in Her Chest After Botched Surgery: ‘I Was So Sick’

A woman is dealing with gruesome side effects after a botched breast implant surgery caused the implants to pop and fall out of her chest.

Judy Hernandez initially got large breast implants, but after two and a half years with them, decided that she needed to downsize.

“It felt like a lot of pressure on my chest,” she says in a clip from Monday’s episode of Botched [WARNING: GRAPHIC IMAGES IN LINKED VIDEO]. “I had back pain, I couldn’t sleep. I then decided to have my implants changed to smaller sizes.”

Hernandez went to the Dominican Republic for the surgery, and “it was a terrible experience,” she said.

“I was so sick. I came back to the United States and immediately went to the hospital because I was running a fever. I started getting wounds on my incisions. It was like, white.”

RELATED: Woman Shocks Botched Doctors by Revealing She Has Two Implants in Each of Her Breasts

“So the cells are dying,” Dr. Terry Dubrow explained.

Hernandez went to the hospital where doctors “packed” the wounds and referred her to a plastic surgeon.

“So when I went to the plastic surgeon, and I’m seeing his [physician assistant] first, and she was checking it, and she was feeling it, and then ‘pop,’ one fell out right in her hand,” she said.

RELATED VIDEO: Woman Shocks ‘Botched’ Doctors by Revealing She Has Two Implants in Each of Her Breasts

In disbelief, Dr. Paul Nassif asked: “The hole was that big? The implant just fell out of it?” and Hernandez told him that there were “a few holes” in her breast at that point.

“[The physician assistant] was hysterical, she was like, ‘I’ve never seen this before,’ ” Hernandez said.

“Neither have I,” Dubrow said, before Nassif added, “I don’t think any of us ever have.”

RELATED: 9 of the Wildest Plastic Surgery Stories on Botched

Hernandez went back home and prepared for surgery, but the day of, while she was brushing her teeth, the other implant popped.

“What do you mean, the implant fell into your stomach or in the sink?” Nassif asked.

“It was in my shirt,” Hernandez told the horrified doctors, who she hopes will be able to repair her breasts.

“Last time I checked, having your implants out while brushing your teeth is not ideal,” Dubrow said.

Botched airs Mondays at 10 p.m. on E!