Woman Admits Weekend She Got Out Of Rehab She Was Drunk And Passed Out

Woman Admits Weekend She Got Out Of Rehab She Was Drunk And Passed Out

Carrie says that shortly after her fortieth birthday, her life started to unravel. The married mom says she was bored with her extravagant lifestyle and life in the suburbs, she started drinking, which led to separating from her husband and moving out of their home and away from her children. Now jobless, broke and living with her parents, she turns to Dr. Phil for help.

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“You have a serious problem with drinking, right?” Dr. Phil asks.

“Right,” Carrie admits, noting that she’s been to rehab at least six times. “I go to AA meetings, and I’ll stay sober for a while, but eventually, I relapse and go back to drinking.” Carrie says she even got drunk the weekend she got out of rehab.

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“You go to rehab and drink while you’re there. So, what’s more important to you than being with your children?” Dr. Phil asks.

“I guess my relapses have gotten in the way of that,” Carrie admits.

Watch more of Dr. Phil’s questioning in the video above, and his stern words for Carrie. And on Friday’s episode, Carrie makes a confession to her family. Is she ready to work to change her life? Check here to see where you can watch.

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