Winners of the Second Annual Paul & Norma Tikkanen Painting Prize

Oct. 27—ASHTABULA — The winners of the 2023 Paul and Norma Tikkanen Painting Prize were announced at a public reception at the Ashtabula Arts Center on Oct. 7.

Jurors for this year's competition were Franklin Einspruch (artist and critic, New Hampshire), Alpesh Kanitilal Patel (Temple University, Philadelphia/UrbanGlass, Brooklyn), and Donna Torres (artist and illustrator/Florida International University, Miami).

"Being a painter myself, I saw novel ways of approaching subject matter, new ways of paint application, and the use of color, among others," Torres said. "I saw a real commitment on the part of these painters to tell their stories in this fluid medium."

Alpesh Kanitilal Patel said the art submitted "clarified that painting is flourishing in NE Ohio and NW Pennsylvania, and that a full picture of artistic production in the United States cannot be gauged by focusing on major metropolitan areas. I sincerely hope curators and critics will pay more attention to the work being completed in this region."

"It may sound paradoxical to say so, but while the artists in the show have a right to feel proud of their inclusion, those not included need to feel no embarrassment at the fact," Franklin Einspruch said of the submissions. "Keep working, and continue to treasure the Ashtabula Arts Center, which is an unusually formidable regional institution and deserves your fondness."


First Place ($12,000 each)

Realism: Amy Casey, "Everything is Fine!"

Abstract: Jenniffer Omaitz, "Where Love Lives"

Second Place ($5000 each)

Realism: Charles Deihl, "The Village"

Abstract: Elizabeth Emery, "day across time"

Honorable Mention ($1000 each)

Elisa Albrecht, "Landscape 22"

Melissa Bloom, "The Handstand"

Rachel Burke, "No Answer"

Timothy Callaghan, "Glare on 90"

Kelly Pontoni, "Not Always Good Times"

Theadis Reagins, "Broadcasting Revelations"

The Tikkanen exhibit is on display in the Arts Center gallery through Tuesday. The gallery is open Monday-Thursday from 9 a.m.-9 p.m., Friday from 9 a.m.-4 p.m., and Saturday 9 a.m.-1 p.m. The gallery is also open before performances and during intermission. Admission is free. Anyone interested in purchasing artwork from an exhibit should see the Arts Center front desk.

Ohio Arts Council helped fund the arts center with state tax dollars to encourage economic growth, educational excellence and cultural enrichment for all Ohioans.