And the winner of Survivor: David vs. Goliath is...

SPOILER ALERT: Read on only if you have already watched the season finale of Survivor: David vs. Goliath.

After 39 days, 324 mentions of a rice trade, two cyclones, one successfully nullified hidden immunity idol, and the franchise’s first ever off-camera, out-of-game medical evacuation, a winner was crowned on Survivor: David vs. Goliath. And that winner was… Nick Wilson.

A 27-year-old public defender from Williamsburg, Kentucky, Nick beat writer/actor Mike White (School of Rock), and Angelina Keeley in the final three to take home the million-dollar prize and title of Sole Survivor that goes along with it. Nick won the last three immunity challenges to get himself into the finals. He selected Angelina to join him there, and then watched Mike and Kara Kay go to a fire-making competition to determine who wound round out the final three. Mike won that easily, setting up the final Tribal Council showdown.

In the end, the jury was swayed by Nick’s challenge victories, his social game, his big move with a steal-a-vote to help get out Dan, and a heart-tugging personal story of losing his mother to drug addiction and then dedicating his life as a public defender to helping others overcome obstacles.

There was some drama early in the episode when Angelina found a hidden immunity idol and then wanted to put it to dramatic effect at Tribal Council to win over the jury. Her plan included creating a fake idol for Alison to play, which served no real strategic purpose — leading others in the game to believe Angelina had a crossed a line by seeking to unnecessarily embarrass someone already leaving the game anyway. (“She’s like a cruel psychopath,” said Mike. “She’s evil. Diary of a Mad Freakin’ Castaway.”)

In the end, the jury did not seem to buy the move. Nick ultimately won their vote and the million dollars.

We will have tons of Survivor finale coverage to come, including our full recap, Jeff Probst’s take, intel on NEXT season of the show, and interviews with the final six. Follow me on Twitter @DaltonRoss for all the latest updates.

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