Wilco Share Covers of The Beatles’ “Don’t Let Me Down” and “Dig a Pony”: Stream

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There’s no doubting the genius of The Beatles or just how expansive their catalog is, which explains why it’s a rite of passage for other bands to cover them. Joining that list today is Wilco, who just shared their own covers of “Don’t Let Me Down” and “Dig a Pony.” Stream those tracks below.

For their version of “Don’t Let Me Down,” Wilco put a country spin on the moody Beatles single and slow the tempo down slightly, drawing out its desperate titular pleas. As for their take on “Dig a Pony,” Wilco remain incredibly faithful to the original version, down to the raspy way John Lennon delivers the lyrics. Both are expected knockouts for fans of Wilco and The Beatles alike.

Wilco recorded the two covers exclusively for Amazon, which means they can only be streamed through the company’s streaming service. Jeff Tweedy and company were asked to tackle the project as part of Amazon Music’s month-long celebration of The Beatles, which is tied to the group’s new special edition of Let It Be.

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Although lots of people cover The Beatles, that didn’t make it any less daunting for Wilco to join the bunch. If anything, it seems like it stressed them out all the more. “What a delight to convene in The Loft and assay two songs by that cool underground band The Beatles! I envy us!” joked Nels Cline, Wilco’s lead guitarist, in a statement.

It seems like Tweedy has been in quite the mood for cover songs lately. He recently put his own spin on Neil Young’s “The Old Country Waltz” as well as the delightful Ted Lasso theme song. He also covered Japanese Breakfast’s “Kokomo, IN” in one of his low-key livestreams and it was so tender that it brought Michelle Zauner to tears. A number of his covers are also being collected as part of a deluxe reissue of his latest solo album.

Last year, Wilco unveiled a massive Summerteeth deluxe reissue and their iconic album Yankee Hotel Foxtrot got a special remix by Moonlight director Barry Jenkins. Jeff Tweedy recently announced tour dates, which you can buy tickets to over at Ticketmaster, and Wilco will return to the live stage next year with their anticipated destination festival Sky Blue Sky.

Wilco Share Covers of The Beatles’ “Don’t Let Me Down” and “Dig a Pony”: Stream
Nina Corcoran

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