Why A YouTube Personality Says She Refused To Stop Live Streaming When CPS Came To Her Home

Sean says he was supportive when his wife Trisha started her YouTube channel, Truthfully Trisha, about a year ago. Then, he says, some of her subscribers, who he and Trisha call “haters,” began harassing the family, and the police started showing up at their home.

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“This summer, multiple times, the police have knocked on our door with a crisis team,” says Sean. “They claim that they’ve been getting calls from all over the country.”

“They’ve been saying I’ve had suicide attempts. They wanted wellness checks,” says Trisha. “But I have it on tape. There was no violence of any sort.”

Then, says Trisha, CPS got involved when someone claimed she was neglecting her daughter.

“A CPS worker came to my door while I was live streaming and told me to turn off my live stream so she could talk to me. And I said no and I utilized my Fourth Amendment right. I told her to get a warrant and come back,” she claims.

Sean says CPS interviewed their daughter three times, going to her and asking questions about their family. “But we’ve been told by CPS we’ve done nothing wrong. I don’t know who’s making the accusations but I bet it’s one of the haters.”

Why does Trisha say she refused to stop live streaming when police came her home?

Part one of this two-part Dr. Phil airs Friday. Check here to find out where you can watch.

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YouTube Personality Claims A ‘Hater’ Stalked, Then Hit Her With A Car