Why Woman Says Parents Should Drop Off Brother At A Shelter

Jessica calls her younger brother, JJ, “selfish, lazy, cocky and ignorant.”

“My brother doesn’t do anything. He’s a moocher and he’s a loser,” Jessica says. “My parents should drop my brother off at a shelter.”

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She says she partly blames her mother for her brother’s behavior. “My mom enables my brother. She’ll kick him out for a couple of weeks. He always weasels his way back in,” Jessica claims.

She says her mom buys her brother cigarettes and gives him money, and that her brother has even stolen from their parents.

“JJ stole my dad’s power tools to buy drugs, and my mom did not press charges and went and rebought the tools,” Jessica says.

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“I’m definitely ashamed of my brother. It’s embarrassing,” she says of her 27-year-old sibling. “My brother definitely needs tough love at this point in his life. I am done with my brother. It’s either you change your life, or I’m gone.”

On Monday’s episode of Dr. Phil, hear from Jessica’s parents and why her dad calls her mom the “ultimate enabler.” And, hear why JJ says he blames his mom for his behavior. When Dr. Phil offers this family a chance for help, will they all agree to follow his rules? Check here to see where you can watch.

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