Why A Woman Who Claims God Talks Through Her Compares Herself To The Biblical Noah

ack says his wife, Brooke, is fixated on a large house near their home they’ve nicknamed “the castle.” He says she wants to turn it into a sanctuary for th

“Noah saved the animals and that is what I’m trying to do,” says Brooke, who claims that God and Jesus speak to – and through her.

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The couple’s home is located near a larger house they have nicknamed “the castle.” Jack says Brooke is fixated on the castle because she wants to turn it into a bird sanctuary.

“It is just a perfect place to have my birds forever,” says Brooke.

Jack claims Brooke once tried to break-in to the property. “We ended up there, and she’s punching numbers on the gate keypad and it’s not opening for her,” he says. “Eventually she’s trying to climb over the fence.” And that’s when Jack says he called the police. “My wife’s trying to break and enter – and I wasn’t going to have any part of it.”

What does Brooke say happened to her after the police were called? Tune in to Tuesday’s Dr. Phil. Find your local listings here.

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