Why RHOD Star Brandi Redmond's Grandmother Cut Off Communication with Her: 'It's Just So Painful'

Brandi Redmond‘s private family pain was front and center on Monday’s all-new Real Housewives of Dallas, when she revealed that her maternal grandmother hasn’t been speaking to her for the past year and a half.

The episode included a heartbreaking moment in which Redmond attempted to repair their relationship by showing up unannounced at her grandmother’s house in Senatobia, Mississippi, with a bouquet of flowers — only to have her grandmother refuse to open the door.

“It’s just so painful coming from somebody that you knew that was by your side from the moment you were born,” a tearful Redmond said later. “She named me and I feel like, how has it come to this? How is it that she can’t answer her door and let me in?”

So how had it come to this?

According to Redmond, it all started when she decided to reach out to her estranged grandfather in an effort to build a relationship with him.

“My grandparents divorced before I was even born, and I grew up only knowing my grandmother and having a relationship with her,” Redmond said. “Last year, my mom encouraged me to reach out to my grandfather to start a relationship with him and his new wife. And It really didn’t sit well with my grandmother.”

“She hasn’t spoken to me and my mom since I formed a relationship with my grandfather,” Redmond continued. “That whole side of my family felt like it was almost like a betrayal.”

The communication cut-off was especially tough for Redmond, who called her grandmother her “favorite person.”

“When I was a little girl I remember shaking and crying trying to tell my grandmother that she was my favorite person,” Redmond recalled. “I would give anything to see my grandmother. … I just want to wrap my arms around her.”

Sadly, Redmond didn’t get that chance despite the many knocks on her grandmother’s door.

“Grandma, I know you’re home. Please. Grandma, please talk to me,” Redmond said through the doors.

“I can hear the dogs barking and I can see the cars in the driveway,” Redmond explained to viewers. “My first thought is that maybe she doesn’t hear me. But the dogs are going crazy. … Typically when I come to my grandmother’s house I just walk right in the back door off the driveway. And this is just awkward.”

Heading back into her car where her mother, Jana, was waiting, Redmond broke down crying.

“There’s nothing you can do,” Jana told Redmond. “I’m sorry. I appreciate you so much and you are the best daughter in the whole wide world.”

The two then traveled back to Memphis, Tennessee — where earlier, Redmond had visited her grandfather and her estranged family with her two daughters and fellow Dallas Housewives Stephanie Hollman and Carey Deuber.

“I do have guilt that I’ve hurt her by having a relationship with my grandfather,” Redmond said. “I’m sorry if I’ve hurt her and maybe I should have made more of an effort to come see her and not wait so long.”

“It’s such an empty feeling when you love someone so much and you just feel, you feel shunned,” Redmond said. “You feel like they’re not letting you in. It makes me second guess even trying.”

The experience made Redmond think about how she treated Hollman, whom she previously ignored for four months. “I think the biggest lesson that I learned was don’t just cut people out of your life. I did exactly what my grandmother did to me, I did to Stephanie. And I feel like it’s definitely a learning lesson.”

“At least I know how she feels,” Redmond added. “At least I know that I tried.”

The Real Housewives of Dallas airs Mondays (10 p.m. ET) on Bravo.