Why Former Federal Prosecutor Says He Believes Scott Peterson Deserves A New Trial

Why Former Federal Prosecutor Says He Believes Scott Peterson Deserves A New Trial

Scott Peterson was convicted of killing his pregnant wife, Laci, 15 years ago and now waits on death row. But Peterson insists, to this day, that he is not responsible for Laci’s death, and his family has been fighting for what they call justice since his conviction.

Mark Godsey, Director of the Ohio Innocence Project at the University of Cincinnati and author of Blind Injustice: A Former Prosecutor Exposes the Psychology and Politics of Wrongful Convictions, says he believes Peterson deserves a new trial.

“If you look at the current new evidence that’s been brought to light and the advances in science … the forensics that were presented back at his original trial and what we know about it now, it’s a totally different ball game,” he says on Monday’s episode of Dr. Phil.

Hear more of Godsey’s reasoning in the video above.

And on Monday, hear from Peterson’s sister-in-law Janey and what she claims is evidence that show’s Peterson was wrongfully convicted. Check here to see where you can watch