Why Dr. Phil Tells A Teenager’s Stepdad He Is A ‘Loud-Mouthed Bully’ Who Is ‘Eroding Her Self-Esteem’

Sandi claims her husband, Iain, showers her daughter, Samantha, with negative attention. She claims Iain is verbally and emotionally abusive towards the 15-year-old and has called her “lazy”, “manipulative,” “worthless,” and more. She’s been married to Iain since Samantha was 3 and says she’s “fed up.”

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Samantha, an honor student in the gifted program who says she’s never been in trouble outside of home, claims she’s afraid of her stepfather She says she tries to do her best around the house, but says Iain’s “labels” and “name-calling” make her feel unwanted.

Iain claims Samantha is “controlling and narcissistic,” and “lies about everything.” He says he blames her for problems in his marriage to Sandi and wants the teenager out of the house at the end of the school term.

“I think you’re a loud-mouthed bully,” says Dr. Phil to Iain on Friday’s episode. “And when you affect a child the way you’re affecting her, you can’t tell me you’re not smart enough to know that you are eroding her self-esteem, and you are eroding her self-worth.”

He continues, “But you don’t just rage at her – you’ve got a rage problem – do you not?”

“I’ve got a short temper, yes. I do,” admits Iain.

Does Iain say he is willing to accept help for these issues? And what does that mean for the future of his marriage?

Click here to find out where you can watch Friday’s Dr. Phil.

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[Dr. Phil To Guest: ‘Your Job Is To Protect Your Child’