Why Dr. Phil Says Guests’ Feud Has Been ‘A Ridiculous Waste Of Time’

Why Dr. Phil Says Guests’ Feud Has Been ‘A Ridiculous Waste Of Time’

Mercuree, a cable access talk show host from Brooklyn, claims she is being cyberstalked, harassed, and threatened by Chrissy Monroe, a former cast member of VH1’s Love & Hip Hop: New York. Chrissy claims Mercuree is harassing her and interfering with her career. Both women claim they’ve been on the receiving end of death threats from the other.

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After listening to the two women’s grievances, Dr. Phil advises them both to “Just stop.”

“If you truly want this to be over, you will go home and take down every post you have ever made about her,” he tells the women, adding, “And it will be very interesting to see who really wants this drama to continue, and who doesn’t.”

Continuing, he says, “The pivotal question is this: I wonder what each of you could have accomplished or achieved if all of the energy and time you have invested into this ridiculous childish spat, had been put towards helping even one family or one cause in your community instead of this ridiculous waste of time.”

Do Chrissy and Mercuree agree to take Dr. Phil’s advice and put an end to their feud?

Check here to find out where you can watch Monday’s episode.

TELL DR. PHIL YOUR STORY: Know someone with outrageous behavior?

Today’s Takeaway: Assess Your Relationship Skills