Why Christine Baranski thinks we should all pay attention to Trump news

The Good Fight season 3 avoided doing a story about ICE

In an interview with the EW podcast Chasing Emmy, Baranski explains why it’s important for her — and frankly, the rest of the nation — to pay attention to political news, no matter how upsetting or shocking the latest headlines may be.

“I was never a morning news watcher… but every morning I put on Morning Joe,” she says. “I find the news breathtaking and horrifying, but I can’t turn it off because I feel like I need to live through this moment of history, for better for worse, wherever it’s going to take us. It’s such a singular moment in history, and some day we will look back on it as we did with Watergate and think, ‘Oh my God! Look at what the country went through.’”

Diane’s disgust with the news and the subsequent “existential crisis” she suffers from play a key role in season 2, which Baranski calls “the best season she’s ever experienced” from creators Robert and Michelle King.

“Everybody gets dirty,” she explains. “I always felt the Kings really wrote to what was going on in the culture. This season I just think they were very brave. They went head-on into the zeitgeist and had the characters living in this strange non-reality, particularly the leading lady.”

The entire season of The Good Fight can be binged right now on CBS All Access — just like the entire collection of Chasing Emmy can be enjoyed anytime on iTunes, or wherever podcasts can be found.