Why What We Do In The Shadows 's Matt Berry Was Nervous He'd Get Him in Trouble On Set

Matt Berry had no idea how this was going to work.

On season four of FX on Hulu's What We Do In The Shadows—which earned its second consecutive Emmy nomination for Outstanding Comedy Series on July 12—Laszlo (Berry) is tasked with raising Baby Colin Robinson, the creepy child-like creature featuring the adult head of Colin Robinson (Mark Proksch) that crawled out of Colin's dead body at the end of season three.

It turns out the process of filming with Baby Colin Robinson was, shall we say, unique.

"Despite how it looks, I never did any scenes with Mark. They were all done with toddlers and young people with dots on their heads," Matt exclusively told E! News. "It was a very odd experience because they had to do all the movements. I had things like chainsaws in my hands. It looks quite horrendous. But they were always safe."

When it came time for working with his new young co-stars, Berry was concerned his mouth might get him in trouble.

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"I can remember having a conversation with the showrunner Paul Simms and saying, ‘I swear a lot as a human being, especially if I get things wrong, so am I going to have to watch what I say around all these kids?'" Matt said. "I was like, ‘I'll obviously do that.' He said, ‘No, they've all been prepped. They don't mind.'"

As for what that so-called prep consisted of?

"They had been told that there might be some bad language. That's part of the deal," Matt joked. "Then they ended up swearing a lot more than I did, which could have been my fault."

What We Do in the Shadows
Russ Martin / FX

When they weren't learning curse words from Matt, his co-star Natasia Demetriou, who plays Nadja, said they were a blast to have around—even if they might be messed up for the rest of their lives.

"It was so fun having kids on set," Natasia told E!. "But every now and then, we'd say, ‘We've all got fangs in,' so I think we might have damaged them in that they'll never be scared of anything again because we were the friendliest monsters in the world. Every time they did a line, it was like, ‘High five! Woo!'"

We love an emotionally supportive vampire.

What We Do In The Shadows airs Thursdays at 10 p.m. ET on FX on Hulu.

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