What to Stream: Celebrate Robert Pattinson's Birthday With His 3 Best Movies (That Aren't 'Twilight')

Robert Pattinson is best known for his role of Edward in the Twilight franchise, but the man who turns 30 this year has some other films under his belt that don’t feature people who totally suck. Blood. Sometimes our pal Robbie Pats combs down that wild hair and trots out his acting chops outside of Washington State. Here are three of his best non-Twilight movies.

Before his ad-fang-tures with Bella, Pattinson was in another massive franchise — Harry Potter. He helped make a name for himself by playing the part of Cedric Diggory, a classmate of Harry’s turned competitor in the Tri-Wizard Tournament. The part was a small one, but Pattinson fit the bill as Diggory, a talented and popular wizard student at Hogwarts. The film itself is one of the best in the Potter series and is worth viewing. Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire is available to rent on iTunes.

David Cronenberg is thought to be one of Hollywood’s most visually distinct filmmakers, and this film featuring Pattinson in the lead role only reinforces that view. The London-born actor stars as a Wall-Street type who sees his goodwill and fortune left in ruins when his bet made against the exchange rate of the yuan turns sour. Though the film wasn’t universally liked by critics, they did give credit to Pattinson for taking a role that had more nuance than that of a moody, immortal vampire. Cosmopolis is available to rent on YouTube.

Before Mad Max came storming back into theaters, another well-received dystopian film set in the Australian outback was released. Set 10 years after a global economic collapse, the film features Pattinson starring as Rey, a man who gets left behind after a heist with his brother and partners goes poorly. He runs into Eric, a mysterious stranger played by Guy Pearce, who is out to recover the car Pattinson’s brother stole. This movie got somewhat mixed reviews, but Pattinson’s performance was held in high regard. The Rover is free to stream with an Amazon Prime membership.

How Neighbors 2 Organically Became a Movie About Feminism:

What do you think? Prefer another non-Twilight movie to the ones we mentioned? Tell us what you think! Hit us up on Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram, or leave your comments below.