Out & About: Westmoreland Museum 'schools' Art on Tap attendees

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Aug. 20—Combine "back-to-school" with rock 'n roll trivia, and what do you get?

The Westmoreland Museum of American Art turned it into "School of Rock," the theme for the Aug. 11 Art on Tap happy hour.

The event was for those looking forward to seeing the kiddos board the school bus again, those dreading the first day, or anyone else 21-and-older who just likes a good time.

Bill and Heather Kersting of North Huntingdon-based Stinger Trivia presided over a music education course, playing snippets of songs to be identified by their "students."

Anyone familiar with Pitt Panthers football had a jump on the competition with the first song — Neil Diamond's "Sweet Caroline," the school's third quarter-ending sing-along.

Memories of the school cafeteria returned with music-inspired, specialty cocktails incorporating a Little Hugs-style juice drink.

Art on Tap also included childhood snack favorites, a raffle and — for art appreciation majors — an "art as music"-themed scavenger hunt for a chance to win a $25 museum shop gift certificate.

Seen on the Greensburg "campus": Connie Deemer, Carol Kasnevich, Danny Dively, Bill and Kathleen Geroni, Stacy DiPasquale, Barbara Ferrier, Kitty Hricenak, Eric and Brenda Davis, Mike and Adrienne Brown, Linda York, Bill and Kerrie Pelliccione, Rebecca Sexton, Jen Buxton, Chris and Cristina DeDiana, Mike Evans and Marianne Kennedy-Evans, Caroline Evans, Aaron and Dyan Kulik and the museum's Richard M. Scaife Director/CEO, Silvia Filippini-Fantoni.

Shirley McMarlin is a Tribune-Review staff writer. You can contact Shirley by email at smcmarlin@triblive.com or via Twitter .