Wes Anderson Says Bill Murray’s Misconduct Claims Won’t Affect Their Working Relationship

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Wes Anderson has stated his working relationship with Bill Murray has not been affected by multiple misconduct claims made against his longtime collaborator.

In an interview with IndieWire, Anderson explained that he considers Murray to be “part of my family,” saying, “My experience with Bill is so extensive. Bill was such a great supporter of me from the very beginning. I don’t want to speak about somebody else’s experience, but he’s really part of my family. You know, he’s my daughter’s godfather. In fact, he actually baptized her. He’s the one who splashed the water.”

Last April, Searchlight Pictures halted production on Aziz Ansari’s now-scrapped directorial debut, Being Mortal, after a complaint was made against Murray for “inappropriate behavior.” In an interview, Murray characterized the incident as “a difference of opinion.”

However, Puck later reported in October 2022 that Murray allegedly straddled a female staffer and kissed her body and mouth while they were both wearing masks. Following a mediation process, Murray paid her a $100,000 settlement.

Around the same time as the settlement was reported, Geena Davis alleged in her memoir, Dying of Politeness, that Murray harassed her with a massage device during the making of their 1990 crime comedy, Quick Change. Davis said he also screamed at her on the set.

Murray has appeared in a total of nine Anderson films over the years, including the titular role in The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou. The actor was originally slated to appear in the filmmaker’s next movie, Asteroid City, but missed out on the part after testing positive for COVID.

Wes Anderson Says Bill Murray’s Misconduct Claims Won’t Affect Their Working Relationship
Eddie Fu

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