Well, bless your heart. Tourists from SC are among the most polite visitors, survey says

Tourists from South Carolina rank among the most polite visitors to other states, according to a new survey.

Scoring a seven out of 10 on the on the politeness index from nextvacay.com, South Carolinans tied in second place for most polite tourists in the country, beating out people hailing from California, Florida and New York.

Other southern states that tied with South Carolina include Mississippi, Alabama, Tennessee, Georgia and North Carolina. Alaska ranked first, while Connecticut and Washington state tied for the worst ranked states.

The survey polled 3,000 people and also factored international travelers.

The results show that less than half polled believe Americans are polite when traveling overseas and that 68% of Americans will avoid going to foreign destinations if they know Americans have poor reputations in those locations.

But as polite as people from South Carolina may be, nearly half of the survey’s respondents said they would leave their home town to avoid tourists if they could, and roughly a third of the respondents said they’ve had a vacation disrupted by other tourists.