Weird, friendly creatures invade in Kelly Henkels' art show

Jul. 3—WORTHINGTON — A colorful crew of peculiar people are about to make their debut, and the public is invited to meet them and increase their numbers at the upcoming Creature Feature art show open house at the Nobles County Art Center.

"When my son was younger, we'd always want to make a book about robots, and then we figured out characters from the sketches," said local artist and creature-creator Kelly Henkels. "We've never made the book yet — but hopefully soon."

When she does decide to make that book, she'll have an eccentric bunch to choose from, at least some of whom she's already named and bestowed with a set of distinguishing characteristics.

Henkels has even created cards for some of them, and their vibrant personalities shine through her artwork and descriptions.

The magenta-hued creature named Tico Tahani, for example, has yellow-tipped spikes all over his body, but his creature card notes that he is actually a pro surfer who sleeps with his (pink) eyes open.

More mysterious is Kodak Koda, who resembles the Eye of Providence on a dollar bill, but with blue tentacles and a steely blue gaze. Don't worry, though — according to Kodak's card, the creature is a "Fortune Teller from Zufrom who can see into the depth of your soul and loves Twinkies."

Henkels' whimsical creatures grew out of her sketches, as she randomly sketched whatever came to her. Often there would be a nose or a face, and the creatures grew from there.

They have since developed into full-blown works of art, making the transition into acrylic paint on canvas, watercolors and even prints.

Henkels isn't keeping the creature-creating fun to herself, either. Her show will be up throughout July and August at the Art Center, which is open from noon to 4 p.m. on weekdays, but she's also hosting an open house where visitors can bring their own outlandish oddballs to life.

Participants will be able to sketch out a creature of their own, adding color and design, and if they wish, they can then add their creatures to Henkels' art show, or take them home. Another option will be building a sculptural creature out of random objects, including googly eyes, that Henkels has collected.

Plus, Henkels has made two different mini-coloring books from the creatures in the show, and participants will get a chance to color those or take them home.

They'll also get a glimpse of the stories of five of Henkels' creatures, who have their own stories, backgrounds and personalities.

"I invite them to take them home and make their own creatures, and give them their own goofy story," Henkels said. "I hope this show actually inspires me to make the book."

While the show is definitely open to youngsters, Henkels wants adults to join in the creature-creating too.

"Come and have fun," she said. "(Art) helps express yourself, and I feel like it keeps you young and not take life so seriously."

All ages are welcome to the event, which will run from 2:30 to 4:30 p.m. Sunday in the Nobles County Art Center, in the basement of the Nobles County Library's Worthington branch at 407 12th Street. Light snacks will be served.