Waxahatchee Helps a Friend Out ‘365’ on New ‘Tigers Blood’ Song

Waxahatchee. - Credit: Molly Matalon*
Waxahatchee. - Credit: Molly Matalon*

Waxahatchee makes sense of a needy relationship, but with compassion, in “365.” The new song is off her upcoming album, Tigers Blood, due out March 22.

The song feels gentle with its slowly strummed guitars and organ in the background as she sings about how she lifts someone up. “Three hundred and sixty-five days,” she sings toward the end of the tune, “Tell me I’m your lucky charm/We defy gravity again/Somehow make it out unharmed.” The person to whom she’s singing is struggling with addiction, a topic the artist whose real name is Katie Crutchfield previously addressed on her 2020 album Saint Cloud, which contains songs about her decision to get sober.

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“‘365’ is a song about codependency as it pertains to addiction and relationships with addicts,” Crutchfield said in a statement. “It’s something I’ve dealt with a lot in my life, and I really wanted to distill the nerves and emotions down to their purest form in this song. [Producer] Brad Cook and I had a lot of ideas we tried for this one, but in the end, we tracked it live just him, [singer-guitarist] Jake Lenderman, and myself running the song a couple of times together in the room.”

Tigers Blood is one of Rolling Stone’s 28 Rock Albums We’re Looking Forward to in 2024. “[Waxahatchee’s] back with … Tigers Blood, on which she gets assists from pals like drummer Spencer Tweedy (son of Jeff) and singer-guitarist MJ Lenderman from the great band Wednesday,” the magazine’s blurb reads. “Lenderman appears on the LP’s heartbreakingly beautiful first single ‘Right Back to It,’ an early taste of a record that feels like it’s going to be one of 2024’s landmark releases.” She previously released Tigers Blood singles “Right Back to It” and “Bored.” She’ll be touring starting next month.

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