What to Watch on Wednesday: The premiere of NBC's The InBetween , plus American Ninja Warrior

What to Watch on Wednesday: The premiere of NBC's The InBetween , plus American Ninja Warrior

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American Ninja Warrior


Season Premiere
The Ninjas are back and there are a whole heap of challenges that await them! In addition to several new obstacles and rule changes, the ante is upped in season 11 of American Ninja Warrior thanks to the 40-foot-tall Power Tower. The two Ninjas with the fastest times at the end of the qualifying rounds in Los Angeles, Atlanta, Oklahoma City, Baltimore, Cincinnati, and Seattle/Tacoma will compete, and the winner advances directly to Vegas. —Nick Romano

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HOW/WHEN & WHERE TO WATCH: 8 p.m. on Fox

Season Premiere
kicks off its 10th season with dozens of home chefs who have just one chance to impress host and judge Gordon Ramsay, and fellow judges Aaron Sanchez and Joe Bastianich and secure a spot in the top 20 — one of whom will ultimately will the title of MasterChef and the $250,000 grand prize!

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The InBetween

Sergei Bachlakov/NBC
Sergei Bachlakov/NBC


Series Debut
“It’s like Medium, but created by somebody who loved Buffy the Vampire Slayer,” creator Moira Kirland says of her supernatural crime drama. The series stars Harriet Dyer as psychic heroine Cassie, who reluctantly uses a “potpourri of mostly awful abilities,” such as seeing ghosts, to help solve crimes. “It’s interesting when someone’s gifted but isn’t jazzed about it,” says Dyer. “It’s more ‘Do I have to?’ than ‘Thank God I’m out from the cupboard under the stairs.’ Cassie doesn’t find herself in this gift, but she might learn to be more like Harry Potter along the way.” Accio acceptance! —Ruth Kinane

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What Else to Watch:

8 p.m.
The Amazing Race (new time slot)CBS

9 p.m.
Property Brothers: Forever HomeHGTV
Jane The VirginThe CW
The Hot Zone (finale) — National Geographic

10 p.m.
Archer (season premiere) — FXX
What We Do in the Shadows (season finale) — FX

*times are ET and subject to change