WATCH: Teen Wolf's Max Carver Wants Your Help to Stop Political Corruption in Powerful New Video

Teen Wolf star Max Carver is taking a stance on ending corruption in politics.

The actor tells PEOPLE he chose to work with the organization because he was inspired by it’s approach to root out “big money” from politics.

“I have many causes that are near and dear to my heart and I want to fight for those causes with everything I’ve got. But first, it has to be a fair fight,” he says. “And very little is going to change in this country until we address corruption in our political system. Our system is broken, and our political leaders are beholden to big money — that’s not good for anyone. It undermines any chance to have a healthy democracy, and puts the priorities of the few above the many.”

“We’re putting power back in the hands of the American people,” he continues, encouraging people to sign up to Represent.Us and support a political campaign of their choice.

“If we don’t focus, if we remain scattered and divided, these campaigns will lose and America will continue to falter,” Carver says.

“If we can all just to our part,” he continues. “We can reassert the the promise of this country’s founders: A government that will represent us.”