Watch Paty Cantú Open Up About Brave New Single ‘Valiente’ & Flipping Gender Roles in Pop

Watch Paty Cantú Open Up About Brave New Single ‘Valiente’ & Flipping Gender Roles in Pop

Paty Cantú‘s songs resonate with people because she bares her soul in each and every one — even when it ain’t pretty. If your heart has been torn into tiny pieces, she’s your girl. If you feel empowered to rule the world, she’s there to cheer you on. And when you’ve made mistakes, she’s also the one saying it’s OK to pause for a second, recognize the problem, and then keep moving.

That’s exactly the message in her new song, “Valiente,” a refreshing kind of ballad. “It is truly a brave song in many senses,” Cantú tells Billboard. “We’re used to hearing songs from guys singing to girls, ‘I’m sorry, I messed up, forgive me,’ and there are usually not many songs about women saying ‘I messed up.’ What I’m trying to defend through this song is not unfaithfulness at all, it’s that the right for equality is also found in the right to make mistakes and learn from them.”

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The Mexican pop singer/songwriter also teases that her upcoming fifth album will be “full of singles, all songs that deserve their moment” and “real stories about real people and how we’ve all redefined our way of loving and living life.”

Love the sound of that! See what else Cantú told us in her up-close-and-personal interview.


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