Watch Kacey Musgraves and Harry Styles Cover Shania Twain at Madison Square Garden

For the last two nights, Harry Styles took over the famed Manhattan arena Madison Square Garden. More importantly, he brought along a very good choice as an opening act — none other than Kacey Musgraves, who’s currently touring behind her great new collection Golden Hour, one of the best albums of the year so far. Fans who arrived…

By Ryan Leas, Stereogum

For the last two nights, Harry Styles took over the famed Manhattan arena Madison Square Garden. More importantly, he brought along a very good choice as an opening act — none other than Kacey Musgraves, who’s currently touring behind her great new collection Golden Hour, one of the best albums of the year so far. Fans who arrived early enough either night were treated to a set from Musgraves stacked with the heavy-hitters from Golden Hour, but anyone who went last night got particularly lucky, given that Musgraves later returned to the stage to perform a duet of Shania Twain’s 1998 hit “You’re Still The One” with Styles during the encore.

It wasn’t the only cover of the night — Styles boldly underlined his reinvention as a ’70s-tinged, rock-leaning songwriter by also taking a shot at Fleetwood Mac’s immortal classic “The Chain.” But given his and Musgraves’ respective ages, the Shania song almost makes more sense. They were both kids when that song came out, and it garnered Twain her first Top 10 crossover hit. Speaking as a fellow child of the ’90s, it was one of those songs that was just everywhere, and one you could imagine having left a mark on an artist who toes the line between pop and country the way Musgraves does.

“You’re Still The One” evidently left a mark on Styles, too, who’s also spoken about his love of Twain’s work in the past. “We’re going to sing one of my personal favorites,” he said by way of introducing the song after Musgraves had joined him onstage. “If you know the words, then do please join in with us.” The two singers traded verses, before weaving their voices together for the choruses. It seemed to be quite the crowd-pleasing moment, and perhaps it will please you, too. Check out videos of the performance below.

This article originally appeared on Stereogum.

This post Watch Kacey Musgraves and Harry Styles Cover Shania Twain at Madison Square Garden first appeared on SPIN.