Watch Gina Rodriguez's Tearful Tribute To Rita Moreno

Gina Rodriguez attended the Kennedy Center Honors Tuesday night, where she got the chance to pay tribute to one of Hollywood's living legends, Rita Moreno.

The "Jane the Virgin" star opened the night with a beautifully touching (and tearful) speech directed at Moreno. She talked about how her mother introduced her to Moreno's work when she was young, and recalled asking her why there weren't more actresses on TV that looked like her.

These days, Moreno, who was honored alongside George Lucas, Carole King, Cicely Tyson and Seiji Ozawa at Tuesday night's event, plays Rodriguez's paternal grandmother on "Jane the Virgin."

"Your bright smile, your fierce persona, that independent voice that burst through every performance and every interview. I just wanted to be just like Rita," Rodriguez said to the crowd. “You gave me hope, you gave me a reason to fight and to speak up, you gave me a voice and how can I thank you? I’m not sure how, but I can tell you this: when you followed your dreams, Rita, you gave me the allowance to follow mine."

Rodriguez continued, getting teary-eyed as she wrapped up her speech, "You are my icon, my living legend and, what matters most, my friend. Rita, this is my love letter to you."

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When She Told A Childhood Story That Really Drove That Point Home

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<p>Read more of&nbsp;her awesome&nbsp;<a href="">Golden Globe speech here</a></p>

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When She Spoke About How TV Representation Can Affect Body Image

<p><span id="docs-internal-guid-d4281d2b-dd02-249b-f987-6655737b2c54"><span style="font-size: 14.6666666666667px; font-family: Georgia; color: #333333; vertical-align: baseline; white-space: pre-wrap; background-color: #ffffff;">&ldquo;It&rsquo;s not only about my ethnicity; it made me feel a certain way about my beauty,&rdquo; she told <a href="">Glam Belleza Latina.</a> &ldquo;Not seeing a woman like me as a lead made me feel like I&rsquo;d never be skinny enough, I&rsquo;d never be pretty enough. I want to give young girls, like my niece, the tools to see a billboard and think, 'That [non-Latina] girl is beautiful, but that&rsquo;s not the only form of beauty.' Jane&rsquo;s story is about a beautiful, normal girl. We don&rsquo;t talk about her weight or her looks.&rdquo;</span></span></p>

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When She Pointed Out That If Money Talks In Hollywood, Latinos Shouldn’t Be Silenced

<p><span style="font-size: 14.666666666666666px; font-family: Georgia; color: #333333; background-color: #ffffff; font-weight: normal; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; text-decoration: none; vertical-align: baseline; white-space: pre-wrap;">&ldquo;We just have to understand our collective strength,&rdquo; Rodriguez <a href="">told Glam Belleza Latina.</a></span><span style="font-size: 14.666666666666666px; font-family: Georgia; color: #333333; background-color: #ffffff; font-weight: normal; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; text-decoration: none; vertical-align: baseline; white-space: pre-wrap;"> &ldquo;Because if 'Jane the Virgin' does well, [Hollywood] is going to open the door for five new shows that are Latino focused. We&rsquo;ve already seen this start to happen. 'Jane the Virgin' got a Golden Globe, and this pilot season everybody wants a Latino lead... The more we show them that our united front can blow something up, the more they&rsquo;re going to open those doors because it&rsquo;s no longer a risk. This isn&rsquo;t about racism. It&rsquo;s about money.&rdquo;</span></p>

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<p><a href="">Interview</a>&nbsp;with HuffPost Live. More on her mission in <a href="">this interview</a>&nbsp;with The Huffington Post.&nbsp;</p>

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This article originally appeared on HuffPost.