Watch Even More Amazing, Never-Seen Robin Williams Outtakes From 'Aladdin'

First there was a short peek, then a longer look, and now (exclusively above on Yahoo Movies) you can watch even more never-before-seen Robin Williams outtakes from Disney’s animated classic Aladdin.

The late Oscar winner provided a veritable treasure trove of ad-libs and various character voices for his big blue Genie character. Williams’s lost performance is out of the bottle via the digitally remastered Blu-ray of Aladdin (available now) that includes an extended look at all the brilliant lines that hit the cutting-room floor.

Here Williams is heard comically pondering life and death; comparing the evil Jafar to a postage-stamp portrait; mistaking the villain’s face for a Mardi Gras mask; and morphing into a beach bum type. Perhaps the funniest part is when he has Genie adhere makeshift contraptions to his face to signify shutting up — illustrating how the late actor’s performance in the sound booth instantly suggested the movie’s visual animations.