Watch the adorable video of Daisy Ridley surprising The Florida Project's Brooklynn Prince

Watch Star Wars actress Daisy Ridley surprise The Florida Project's Brooklynn Prince

Looking for an absolutely rey-diant burst of joy? Look no further than this Q&A where Star Wars’ Daisy Ridley took over for The Hollywood Reporter’s Scott Feinberg to interview precocious young The Florida Project star Brooklynn Prince.

Ridley asked the 7-year-old about the usual things you’d expect from a film Q&A — what it was like working with Willem Dafoe (“He played thumb war with me. He FaceTimed with me. He treated us equal; he didn’t treat us like we were worms on hooks”) to how difficult it was to film her big breakdown scene.

Prince also had a hilarious reaction to Ridley’s inquiry about all the swearing she does in the opening scene of the film. “Nope! Like in my life, I have always wanted to say those words,” admitted Prince to big laughs.

The young breakout star then turned the tables on Ridley and began discussing Star Wars, even mentioning that she would like to play “Little Rey” in the next film, informing Ridley that “Star Wars has been around since when there were dinosaurs.”

For those following Prince, she had been dying to meet her hero, Wonder Woman star Gal Gadot, and finally did last month. Prince told Ridley she reminded her of Gadot in the most humble, unassuming way possible. “I met this girl named Gal Gadot,” Prince explained. “She plays Wonder Woman. She was really, really nice. She’s like you.”