Watch 12 straight hours of Dr. Alexei drinking a Slurpee in Stranger Things

Has Netflix found its next yule log video? It’s not even the holiday season yet!

If you enjoyed watching Dr. Alexei (actor Alec Utgoff) drinking a 7 Eleven Slurpee in Stranger Things season 3, then you’ll enjoy this 12-hour (yes, 12-hour) video of the character doing just that.

Netflix released one doozy of a promo video online Friday, but if you’ve given up days to binge 12 hourlong episodes in one sitting, this shouldn’t be a problem for you. It’s also probably not any weirder than Netflix debuting an actual trash fire to promote a metaphorical one.

Anyway, without further adieu, here’s 12 hours of Dr. Alexei drinking a Slurpee. That’s it. That’s the article.

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