Watch 10 minutes of leaked footage from the ‘Star Wars Battlefront’ closed alpha

Two weeks ago, EA announced that it would hold an open beta for Star Wars Battlefront in early October. For fans of the series, it’s going to be a long second half of September, but while you’re waiting for the beta to kick off, why not check out some leaked footage from the game’s closed alpha test?

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The following video from YouTuber Jake McNeill contains ten minutes of gameplay from the Walker Assault mode on Hoth. It’s the same battle that E3 attendees had a chance to play earlier this year, but for gamers who haven’t had the chance to try it yet themselves, these video leaks are like an oasis in a Star Wars-less desert.

There’s no telling how long the video will be up, considering alpha participants aren’t technically supposed to publish footage of their play sessions, so it’s probably worth watching sooner rather than later.

Star Wars Battlefront releases for PS4, Xbox One and PC on November 17th.

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