Warzone 2.0 AI factions will add a new layer of danger

 Warzone 2.0
Warzone 2.0

Warzone 2.0 will have an enemy AI faction you'll need to deal with after dropping into battle, according to today's Call of Duty Next reveal event. The AI faction will add a new layer of depth, up the stakes, and make combat even more realistic - all of which makes sense for Warzone's sequel.

Other popular battle royale games like Apex Legends and Fortnite have enemy AI you can encounter in specific areas on certain maps. Apex has deadly spiders, prowler dens, and an armory full of loot protected by robots. Fortnite has had tons of AI enemies throughout its lifespan, including aggressive ones that would randomly pop up from some underground lair and characters who are only aggressive if engaged.

The Warzone 2.0 AI faction, which is currently unnamed, will likely be narratively tied to the new map, Al Mazrah. The desert-based Warzone 2.0 map is set in a fictional region of Western Asia, and it looks incredibly dense and layered, with tons of verticality (but, thankfully, not as many sniper camp spots). It's unclear if the AI faction characters will attack on sight, or if they need to be provoked, but either way, you should keep your head on a swivel - you aren't just worried about enemy players anymore.

Warzone 2.0 is set to debut on November 16. Since it's being built in the same engine as Modern Warfare 2, you might want to check out the Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 beta for a feel for the guns, gameplay changes (there's a new jump-to-prone maneuver that will be very helpful), and more.

Check out our full Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 multiplayer preview to see what to expect from the beta.