‘Walking Dead’ Ahead: Why Trade With Oceanside, When You Can Blow It Up?

When Simon offered the doctor ice cream, he officially upped the ante on the Great Walking Dead Snack War! Ditch that cobbler, Jerry. And forget the chili mac, Rick! The Saviors have ice cream, and we all want a bowl! Grab your spoon, it’s time for Walking Dead Ahead.

Maybe they made us wait for it, but things are finally happening on The Walking Dead! Sasha ditched Rosita… for some reason… Like a Suicide Squad, but not so much a squad, but definitely the suicide part, because Sasha is up against THE ENTIRE SAVIOR ARMY! But I’m sure she’ll be fine– She knows how to tie knots now.

As for Rosita, we’re left wondering who that mystery man with the crossbow is. Probably not the easy answer, Daryl, but instead, the other D man: Dwight. His bitterness with Negan has been growing week to week, and this is the perfect place for it to all bubble over.

Also, next episode, Tara leads Rick and the Gang back to Oceanside to trade some guns, or blow the whole place sky high. For survivors of an apocalypse, these guys do not plan well. And we’ll see Gregory make an attempt on Maggie’s life that will leave him with a real beaut of a shiner. Can you blame her? Plus, Sasha will reveal why she’s been using lobster bibs as wall decorations. Probably because they’re both snazzy and practical!

Oh, and everyone is gonna get ice cream! We’ll see ya next week for big scoops of Walking Dead Ahead!

The Walking Dead airs Sunday nights at 9 p.m. on AMC.

WATCH: Ranking Dead: Ranking the Characters of ‘The Walking Dead’ Season 7, Episode 14

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