Walking Dead Ahead: Can Anyone Kill Negan?

Warm up those vocal cords, it’s time for Walking Dead Ahead. After six episode of The Walking Dead that wallowed in the aftermath of Negan’s arrival, the plot is finally moving forward… Just in time for the midseason finale. What a dirty trick.

For now, the writers seem to have run out of other civilizations to introduce and new people for Negan to terrorize. Instead, revenge is in the air as everyone makes their mad dash to get back at the guy with one glove (Negan, not Michael Jackson).

Alas, there’s no coordination between these vengeance seekers, so there’s a good chance they’ll hoist each other’s petards. If you tried to plot their attacks like a football play, you’d have quite the spaghetti nightmare.

Despite Negan’s knack for making nothing but enemies, he’ll be back for Season 8, so I doubt that anyone will be all too successful. Sorry, Rosita, maybe save your one and only bullet for Season 9.

Spencer seems like the only one gunning for someone other than Negan, but as we covered before, the moment he tries to usurp Rick’s power, he’s dead meat.

If I had to put my money on someone, I’d bet Pig Farmer Richard might make a little forward progress. He’s got baseball pads and Morgan’s bo staff skills on his side, not to mention his highly trained attack pigs! Oh, they’re just regular pigs? Eh, nevermind.

See ya next week on Walking Dead Ahead! Until then, we’ll save you a seat and a tall glass of powdered lemonade.

Check out our Walking Dead power rankings so far this season:

The Walking Dead airs Sundays at 9 p.m. on AMC.

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