Vote for The Best 'SNL' Sketch of 2016

(Credit: NBC)
(Credit: NBC)

It’s time for the Yahooies, Yahoo TV’s second annual reader-voted awards honoring the best — and sometimes worst — of 2016. Each day through Dec. 16, we will announce the nominees for one category, with an accompanying poll. The winners will be crowned Monday, Dec. 19.

The nominees for Best SNL Sketch of 2016 are…

“Bern Your Enthusiasm”
SNL writers Chris Kelly and Sarah Schneider apparently did what HBO could not: convince Larry David to make another season of Curb Your Enthusiasm. The irascible David confirmed the show’s return in June, exactly four months after he lent his popular Bernie Sanders impression to this pitch-perfect Curb send-up. To quote George Costanza: It’s back, baby! —Ethan Alter

“Black Jeopardy”
What is a hilarious sketch that doubles as incisive social commentary about America’s Blue State/Red State divide? Michael Che and Bryan Tucker wrote this Jeopardy! parody, which features Tom Hanks’s deft portrayal of a walking caricature of a Trump supporter who discovers he shares common ground with his fellow contestants. Besides laughter, it provides some hope that maybe we can all just get along. —EA

“Crucible Cast Party”
Ain’t no party like a high school cast party because a high school cast party don’t go past 11 p.m. With the help of reigning Broadway king Lin-Manuel Miranda, the SNL crew perfectly recaptures the experience of being both an awkward teenager and a total drama nerd. We can’t wait to see what the Our Town Cast Party looks like. —EA

“Haunted Elevator (ft. David S. Pumpkins)”
Like, is he from a local commercial? No, David S. Pumpkins is just a random weirdo who pops up in a haunted house, accompanied by two dancing skeletons. Who is he? Nobody knows, and it doesn’t matter! The strangest sketch of the season was the funniest. There’s no rhyme or reason to David S. Pumpkins — and that’s what makes him so hilarious. —Kelly Woo

“Election Night”
Host Dave Chappelle, with an assist from Chris Rock, skewered Hillary Clinton supporters who naively believed she would cruise to victory. At an election party, liberal white friends are shocked as the results come in, while Chappelle’s more cynical character mocks their disbelief. When one muses Americans might be racist, he replies, “I remember my great-grandfather told me something like that. He was like a slave or something, I don’t know.” —KW

“Farewell Mr. Bunting”
Thanks to some well-timed gore — including a decapitated head — “Farewell Mr. Bunting” really puts the Dead in Dead Poets Society. An instant Internet favorite, the skit earned writer Mikey Day a ticket out of the writer’s room and into the ensemble as a featured player. —KW

“Undercover Boss: Starkiller Base”
Like his grandfather, Darth Vader, Kylo Ren has some anger management issues. Host Adam Driver plays around with those volcanic tendencies in this sketch, in which the Dark Side fighter goes undercover as “Matt the Radar Technician.” And when he finds out that regular ol’ stormtroopers and other First Order workers don’t think too highly of Kylo Ren, well, it’s all he can do not to whip out that double-sided lightsaber. —KW

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