Vote for the coziest people, places, and things ever on TV

Coziest holiday TV: Gilmore Girls, Downton Abbey, and more

As you’re scrambling to buy presents, bake cookies, and trim the tree, don’t forget to make yourself cozy this holiday season (Katy Perry’s

got the right idea


That’s right, studies* show that an alarmingly high percentage of the population neglects to prioritize coziness in their everyday life during the holiday season. Just the mere image of a huge fuzzy blanket or a hot cup of cocoa can be enough to increase your cozy levels for the day, so don’t sleep on it! (Unless you are literally sleeping, in which case please continue, because that is the coziest thing of all.)

As part of our Countdown to Tinseltown, EW staffers have submitted the names of the 11 coziest places and things in all of TV (in addition to our long list of coziest things in movies, which is just a generally cozier medium, nothing to be done about it), and now you can vote on which of them takes the all-time small-screen cozy crown. So get cozy and get voting!

*Highly unscientific and in fact kind of just made up

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