'Voice' Contestant Screws Up John Legend Song In Front of John Legend

Team Adam members Kawan DeBose and Malik Davage had the honor of getting John Legend as their special advisor on The Voice Monday night. Although, they also had the added stress of singing one of John Legend's song right in front of him. Kawan summed it up perfectly, saying, "Singing a John Legend song in front of John Legend, that's just nerve-racking." Unfortunately for Kawan, it was so nerve-racking that he messed up some of the lyrics on "Love Me Now." Kawan sang, "I don't know who's gonna kiss me when I'm gone, so I'm gonna love me now," when he should've been singing "I don't know who's gonna kiss you when I'm gone, so I'm gonna love you now." John was quick to point out Kawan's mistakes, saying, "The other minor note is just, make sure we mind our lyrics. When you change a pronoun, it, like, changes the meaning of the song." It wasn't just Kawan making mistakes though, Adam wasn't very happy with either one of the guys. Adam said, "It seems to me like you guys aren't totally prepared. And that upsets me because that's a big deal." And things didn't get any better the next day, which was disappointing to John, who said, " I expected them to have made some progress from day one to day two… but they did not. It was almost like they regressed." The rough rehearsals translated to a rough performance, and Adam had to send home Kawan, the guy he once said sounded like Prince. While Malik, on the other hand, was rewarded for his attitude. Adam said, "Malik just has a great attitude. He's got a great soul. You hear it in his voice. He's really, really technically proficient. So I needed to reward him for his attitude and for his musical ability, as well."