Viral Four Seasons baby finally makes it to Orlando hotel. See cute collaboration videos

The cutest collaboration of the decade finally happened!

The viral Four Seasons Orlando baby made it to the hotel this weekend, after seeing millions of views and likes after on social media when she shared her desire to go.

In two TikTok videos posted on Saturday evening, viewers saw the baby, officially identified as Kate, and her family treated like royalty when they arrived. The Four Seasons' video show clips of Kate as she gets dressed up like a princess and hangs out around the luxury hotel.

The other shows the baby in her most dapper fit as she dines on plate of fancy pasta with a bottle of champagne (as a prop!).

The original video now has over 50 million views and nearly 7 million likes, with the internet still freaking out and joking about how "aware" and "fully conscious" the baby is.

See TikTok baby's video at the Four Seasons Orlando:

The Four Seasons captioned their TikTok video with "Fully conscious and utterly fabulous at the Four Seasons Orlando."

Fans celebrated the meme coming full circle, with one commenter writing "The Queen has arrived." Others, now seeing shots of the hotel, commented their desire to stay at the Florida hotel and said "the baby has taste."

Where is the Four Seasons Orlando?

The Four Seasons Orlando in Florida is located in Lake Buena Vista, just five miles away from Disney World's Magic Kingdom Resort.

In the most recent ranking of best hotels from the U.S. News & World Report, the Four Seasons Orlando placed seventh on the list.

"With its own 18-hole golf course, massive spa and rooftop steakhouse, the property is well-suited for travelers who want easy access to the theme parks without the over-the-top kitsch associated with Disney-owned properties … The Four Seasons Resort Orlando offers its own Disney character breakfasts, complimentary park shuttle service and a Disney Planning Center – a separate concierge desk designed for mapping out your park itinerary and purchasing tickets."

Who is the 'Four Seasons Orlando' baby?

One-year-old ​​Kate Wise from Tampa is TikTok's newest micro-celebrity.

Her older sister Madelyn and father William also appear in the video, with Kate's mother, Bailey Wise, saying off-camera the now famous phrase, "I have a question for everybody. Who wants to go to the Four Seasons Orlando?"

How does baby's family feel about the attention?

In an interview with People Magazine, the family shared the newfound internet fame and stressed that this was not at all planned. They mainly shared they are taking everything in stride and finding it all funny.

“We definitely did not expect it. It is crazy,” Stefanie, the baby's aunt and poster of the original video said, said. “I think at first when we were looking at the reactions we were genuinely laughing so hard at every single one of the comments, the stitches . . . and now it's just turned into this phenomenon of every big brand is capitalizing on it.”

They explained that Bailey just captured the funny clip, saying she meant to send it to her own parents in an effort to convince them to come on vacation with them. However, when aunt Stefanie saw the video, she thought it was hilarious and posted it to TikTok for her then 50 followers.

She admitted she didn't tell her sister about posting it. However, the video ended up taking off and going viral.

So is Kate actually what commenters dubbed a "fully conscious" genius baby? Or does she just like saying "me" a lot?

“It's kind of the middle,” Kate’s dad, Will, said. “She won't say ‘me!’ to everything . . . It legitimately has to be something she recognizes and wants to do. She's been to the Four Seasons before. She does recognize certain things and she does (say) ‘me!’”

This article originally appeared on Fort Myers News-Press: Who is the Four Seasons Orlando baby? See her trip to Florida hotel