Viewers Of 'Little Mermaid Live' Want To Know Why There's No King Triton

Trouble Down Under

The live-action version of The Little Mermaid has aired, and things are going swimmingly -- for the most part.

Big Moment For Disney

The production, airing on ABC, has been hyped up for weeks. The event is meant to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the animated film, which debuted Nov. 13, 1989.

For this live interpretation, Ariel is being played by Auli'i Cravalho, Queen Latifah plays Ursula, Graham Phillips is Prince Eric and John Stamos is Chef Louis.

But there's no one playing King Triton live, whom, of course, is pivotal to the movie.

According to director and executive producer Hamish Hamilton, the live showing “is very, very different to any of the musicals that have been done before because essentially it’s 50 percent the original feature and 50 percent live musical performance.”

It's Just Odd

That sounds great, but fans have caught on to this glaring error. Not having a live King Triton seems like a horrible misstep.

Is it really worth it to have John Stamos here instead?

We Could Have Had One Of These Guys

Some of the names being bounced around who could have played King Triton included Terry Crews and Jarvier Bardem -- both would have been good choices.

We Can Handle It

Here's a thought someone had on Twitter: whether they didn't want the audience to get too steamed up when a shirtless guy goes on stage. It's possible.

"Do you think they’re just playing the animated parts and didn’t hire anyone to play King Triton in The Little Mermaid: Live because they didn’t want to make anyone be shirtless onstage? Because they didn’t want anyone being horny (ier) than they were going to be?"

Get It Straight, Disney

Where are their priorities? Apparently Chef Louis needed live representation more than the king.

“So King Tritan is entirely still animated but we gave the chef with two lines to John Stamos?” asked @ImHonestTho.